A safari of the soul in the African savannah with flashes of purple.
Stunned and cocooned with our remote subconscious. A Rosetta Stone sorted between the
overflow of the Tiber, Rome and the peoples of the world subjugated to her. Pandering to
Suetonius and Ammianus Marcellinus.
Be in tune with the geometries of time with a watchful eye on the blocked ports of every era. With
the chromatic deception of black. Of white.
Return to the door of the Palatine for the fleeting encounter with those who sanction – immutable –
the orders of time.
Comeback docile. Recapitulate history. Unthinkable?
It is the same will that, in Socratic examples, touches our contemporary soul. Contemporary?
… And an endangered white rhinoceros will be a vigilant witness to an esthetic labour ready to drop
the anchor of knowledge.