You Will Graze my Destiny Like a Butterfly

White blouses, a symbol of purity and lightness the world has forgotten, thus forgetting to calculate
what is neither material nor literal in life. With his visionary images, Raffaele Curi explores the great
mysteries of life: death, fear, escape, revolution and youth. In the setting of the Ancient Fish Market,
the bodies of the actors and great symbols of the history of art and the Jewish and Catholic
religions lead us through the chiaroscuri of human destiny, between the Kabala and the Rom
culture, and between cultivated music and the pop songs of San Remo. An assortment of images,
sounds and writings, narrating the migrations, escapes, wars and pain of our times better than any
reportage. And hope. “I chose the lightness of Calvino because without it, one cannot know the
truth,” says Raffaele Curi. With Kim Carnes, Nina Dhara and Gianluca Vicari.